6 product(s) found for "Herbal Spell Mixes"
  • 1 Lb Attract Love spell mix
    1 Lb Attract Love spell mix
    Our Attract Love spell mix is intended to bring love into your life, or help the one that you desire fall for you. Use on charcoal to burn, add to your bath, potpourri or mojo bag.
  • 1 Lb Banishing spell mix
    1 Lb Banishing spell mix
    A mix created of carefully chosen herbs, the Banishing spell mix from AzureGreen is intended to empower you banishing rituals and help you get rid of negative energies, spirits, and influences.
  • 1 Lb Empowerment spell mix
    1 Lb Empowerment spell mix
    Empower your magick and improve all of your rituals and spells with the Empowerment herbal spell mix, which has been created specifically with herbs that lend power to magic.
  • Attract Love spell mix
    Attract Love spell mix
    Our Attract Love spell mix is intended to bring love into your life, or help the one that you desire fall for you. Use on charcoal to burn, add to your bath, potpourri or mojo bag. In a 3 x 4 bag.
  • Banishing spell mix
    Banishing spell mix
    A mix created of carefully chosen herbs, the Banishing spell mix from AzureGreen is intended to empower you banishing rituals and help you get rid of negative energies, spirits, and influences.
  • Empowerment spell mix
    Empowerment spell mix
    Empower your magick and improve all of your rituals and spells with the Empowerment herbal spell mix, which has been created specifically with herbs that lend power to magic.

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