3 product(s) found for "Tarot Decks"
  • Aquarian tarot deck by Palladini, David
    Aquarian tarot deck by Palladini, David
    Inspired by the Art Deco artistic style, the Aquarian Tarot is has long been popular, heralded as the deck that brought medieval symbolism into the modern, Aquarian age. 8 page booklet included. 78 cards with instructional booklet. Card stack is 5 5/8" x 3" x 1".
  • Hermetic Tarot by Dowson & Godfrey
    Hermetic Tarot by Dowson & Godfrey
    Based upon the workings of the Golden Dawn, The Hermetic Tarot emphasizes the Golden Dawn's astrological attributes, and uses sephirotic, angelic, geomantic, numerical and Kabbalistic elements. 78 cards with instructional booklet. (Please ask about availability)
  • Old Style Lenormand tarot
    Old Style Lenormand tarot
    Old Style Lenormand brings charming, vintage-looking illustrations to a modern Lenormand audience. The simple and concise imagery provides highly specific answers to your questions. Playing card insets increase the divination power of the cards. Old Style Lenormand is comprised of 38 cards (including two Man and two Lady cards). A 92-page illustrated booklet accompanies the deck. Alexander Ray is a popular Russian psychologist, writer and illustrator who creates divinatory tools that help people...

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